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Free Range Organic Cooking Guide

Free Range Organic Cooking Guide

Mark’s Preparation Advice

Giblets and Stuffing: Remove the giblets. If stuffing the turkey, do it the day before, packing the cavity loosely. Cook any extra stuffing separately on the day.

Weighing and Timing: Your Free-range Bronze Turkey comes with the weight on the box, and you can calculate the estimated cooking time from the table below. Add the weight of any stuffing to the turkey’s weight for accuracy.

Room Temperature: Remove the turkey from the fridge at least two hours before cooking to ensure even cooking.

Roasting Tin Setup: Use a shallow roasting tin that snugly fits the turkey. Raise the turkey on a bed of halved carrots and onions to allow hot air to circulate underneath, aiding even cooking.

Cooking Times (Approximate):

  • For turkeys up to 7 kg: Allow 30 minutes per kilogram.
  • For turkeys over 7 kg: Allow 25 minutes per kilogram.

Seasoning and Buttering: Season the turkey well. Smear softened butter over the skin and gently insert butter under the skin of the breast, gently spreading it out. This helps keep the breast meat juicy and flavoursome.

Citrus for Moisture: If not stuffing, quarter a lemon and a satsuma and place them inside the cavity to help keep the turkey moist.

Covering with Bacon: Cover the turkey breast and legs with streaky bacon to add flavour and protect the meat during cooking.

Foil: Tent the turkey with foil for the majority of the cooking time, removing the foil and bacon 20-30 minutes before the end to crisp the skin. I always pierce several slits in the foil to let some steam out.

Oven Temperature:  200c / 180c fan-assisted / Gas mark 6.

Temperature Check: Ensure the turkey is cooked when the juices run clear from the thigh or a meat thermometer reads 70°C to 75°C in the thickest parts.

Resting: Allow the turkey to rest uncovered for at least 30 minutes before carving. This lets the juices redistribute for more tender meat.

Turkey Weight

Cooking Time 


2 hours


3 hours


3 hours 15 mins 


3 hours 30 mins


4 hours 45 mins

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